Individual Replacement Pins - Class X Between .7601" - 1.0000" Pin Gage Sizes in 0.xxx1" increments Class X 2" Long 2 Microfinish or better Certificate of Accuracy included PLEASE SPECIFY PLUS OR MINUS WHEN ORDERING. Class X Pins up to 0.8250" PLUS (GO) tolerance = +0.00004" / -0.0000" MINUS (NO GO) tolerance = +0.0000" / -0.00004" Class X Pins from 0.8251" to 1.0000" PLUS (GO) tolerance = +0.00006" / -0.0000" MINUS (NO GO) tolerance = +0.0000" / -0.00006" After receipt of order we will email you to get exact size(s) of pin(s) needed. **$50 MINIMUM VERMONT PIN GAGE ORDER REQUIRED**